Exercise freedom, but the people really have no say!


I was laying in bed last night talking to the Lord about the state of our nation, where we are headed collectively as well as where I am headed individually and I truly feel He is calling me to sound the alarm. Dear friends please understand the state of our nation. Our supreme court just passed a law without any participation from the people. I do not know about you, but I had no idea this issue was even scheduled to be determined. While many are celebrating the right to exercise freedom, understand if the supreme court can give rights just like that, then they can also take them away, just like that! What if we woke up tomorrow and the same supreme court said its unanimous, the American people can no longer own guns, or its unanimous all children have to take a certain type of shot issued by the government: they can literally come up with anything they want – just be skeptical, be careful, prepare, do not get distracted,!Let’s seriously consider this for a moment: If Walmart shut down tomorrow, if all the groceries, restaurants, and the like shut down tomorrow, how would we feed ourselves? Do you realize a war would break out and everyone would begin killing each other over resources with their hidden guns. People we have become so dependent upon the government as a society that the people really have no say. This recent event is a distraction, we are focused on the wrong thing. Do your research people, see what is out there about the issues I am speaking of. In addition learn how to plant a garden, stock up seeds, water etc. The time is near, repent, turn from your wicked ways, pray and be strong and courageous!

I seriously need a mansion!!!

My heart is so big- I love taking people in that are serious about change. I have been fortunate to disciple quite a few people in my life. Some have gone on to be really successful, some have relapsed but are still trying and some have disappeared. My desire is that all would come to know and experience God’s freedom myself included. Here recently I can count of five different women that I would house today if I had enough room and a husband willing. It is not enough for me to find them a shelter or somewhere else to live, I want to teach them how to fish, that is my passion. I want to show them how to live, how to laugh, how to love, how to parent, this is my passion. Oh Lord please give me a mansion that I may fill it up for your glory. May it be a glimpse of heaven for these women and children to experience your dreams, your desires, your rest and your comfort. He is preparing the way, how it will happen I do not know, but I am praying and excited!!! Waiting with anticipation! What do I do with the girls that need a place right now? Oh Lord you are God I know you can provide, please do so quickly for mother and child that they may see your favor in their lives. Amen